IPF Japan 2023 出展者情報

- English
CUMSA Double Racks Lifters are intended to be time and machining saving, significantly reduce the size of the overall mold and simplify the tool construction. They can also help to cut down the ejection stroke.
This unique patented system is oriented along a straight, vertical plane, improving rigidity and limiting the need for angled channels through multiple mold plates. Unlike conventional lifters, DR's eliminate complicated cam-actions operations, their straight-movements allow them to move more smoothly, causing less friction and reduce impact on tool performance.
DR’s ejection stroke ranging from 100mm up to 125mm, but if larger ejection stroke is required, it can be available upon request. The line is currently offered in a variety of sizes ranging from 16mm wide up to 72mm, to release undercuts from 14mm to 52mm.
For those inserts difficult to cool, CUMSA offers the KR series, the Cooled Double Rack system. The KRs offer the same benefits as the DRs but also include an internal housing able to incorporate a cooling circuit that, can then be attached to the mold cooling channel.
CUMSA offers the XR series, for those who need xtra undrecuts to be released, up to 80mm.
